Pentecost 2006 - 06/11/06

Parish Feast Day and welcome for Fr. David and Matushka Melanie.
"Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, ..."
"...who has revealed the fisherman as most wise."
"By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit."
Former rector, Fr. John Dresko, joined the celebration.
The faithfull in procession.
New feastal icon carried by Kristina Bouteneff.
"Glory to Thee, O Christ our God ..."
" ....Father, bless."
"May He ... who also sent down the divine and Holy Spirit ..."
Parish Warden, Micheal Wanik welcome Fr. David & Matushka Melanie.
Faithful gathered for our parish feast day.
Everyone waiting for lunch.
Men's Club President, Paul Culton, present flowers to Mat. Melanie.
Fr. David and Matushka Melanie.