Men's Club Golf outing 2011 - 08/21/11

A good walk .... cut short, but everyone enjoyed the festivities at the 19th hole!
Golf organizer Dan T.
The dynamic duo
First on the course
The Mayor enjoying a day off.
Marie! we are playing the front 9.
Dan T.
Mr. right down the middle
The young guns
Easy chip up.
Mat. Melanie
"This is the first tee, the Luau is at the club house."
Perfect form by Peter A.
"We're over here."
Dan B.
"I know the green is somewhere."
It's raining!!! :(
Adding up the scores
Telling tall tails
The chef in action.
Our fearless leader!
The Salina girls enjoying the pool.
Those wonderful roasted veggies!
What a raucous bunch!
He's watching everyone
A thank you for our host and hostess!
The trophy goes to .....
... The Rookie for the Year??