Baptism of Anthony James Dresko - 03/06/10

On Saturday, March 6th, Anthony James Dresko, first child of Nicholas & Melissa Dresko, was baptized by his grandfather Fr. John Dresko.

On the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent, March 7th, Anthony was "Churched" and received Holy Communion for the first time.

"...I lay my hand upon thy servant ...."
Godfather Chris Dresko & Godmother April Carroll
Dad & Mom
"Expel from him every evil and unclean spirit ..."
"Let all adverse powers be crushed beneath the sign of the image of Thy Cross."
"The servant of God Anthony is anointed with the oil of gladness ..."
"The servant is God Anthony, is baptized, in the name of the Father ..."
"The servant of God Anthony, is clothed in the robe of righteousness ..."
"If anyone would come after Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me."
The Godfather
"The seal fo the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"As many as have been baptized into Christ ..."
"... have put on Christ. Alleluia."
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ..."
"... you are washed: in the Name of the Father ..."
"The servant of God Anthony is tonsured ..."
Anthony receives his first altar servers vestment.
The Carroll family
The Dresko's
The servant of Anthony is churched..."
"In the midst of the church shall he sing praises to Thee."
"Lord now lettest Thy servant depart in peace ..."
Grandpa and grandson.
First communion